Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One more week...

So I had a doctors appointment today, and they scheduled me to be induced next Wednesday, the 29th. Hooray! Molly was a little too big and got stuck coming out- so they've been watching the babies growth really carefully and decided to induce early to keep her around the 7 lb. range. I am so happy to have a date- and that it's only a week away. I'm tired of being a big fat cranky pregnant lady. I can't wait to be able to bend over, and walk up the stairs without being winded, eat whatever I want without getting heartburn and paint my own toenails. And most of all, I can't wait to have this baby in my arms. We are all so excited to meet her and snuggle her.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Molly located another pair of scissors and cut her hair AGAIN this morning. I am not kidding. I thought her hair looked a lot worse this morning, but I thought it was just because we had a bath last night and I could see it better this morning. I was in the bathroom and saw a big chunk of hair on the floor. I yelled- Molly! Did you cut your hair again?? She said- yep. I asked why, she said because she wanted her hair to look beautiful. I said- (I know, this is awful) well, it doesn't. It is no longer salvagable. Oh well. At least people won't think I cut it awful on purpose. It's pretty obvious what happened here.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Rite of Passage?

Molly came up the stairs this morning announcing- "I gave myself a haircut with my little scissors!" I couldn't believe it. Which is funny, because nothing should surprise me any more with this child. I was almost in tears. And she says to me- "It's funny! Laugh!" Which I eventually did. I think it really could have been a lot worse. Its almost salvagable. I mean, it was bound to happen at some point or another, right?? So I should just be glad that I can make them into somewhat believable bangs. It gets a little too short in the back, but I guess that will just have to grow out. She was feeling pretty proud of herself and even admiring herself in every mirror she passed. I informed her that she will not be allowed to use her scissors anymore, and she said- "Oh. That's too bad." Maybe one day she'll put all of her creative energies towards a good cause. Until then I am keeping the scissors well hidden.