Thursday, April 24, 2008

Guitar Hero

We've recently been introduced to Guitar Hero. And it is awesome. I have never been one for video games, but this one is right up my alley. And probably the only one that I will ever be able to kick Todd's butt at. :) I've tried to keep it put away until after the girls go to bed, but sometimes it calls to me. Ella was watching TV the other day, and she yells to me in the kitchen, "Hey Mommy, is just like your guitar game." The music on the commercial was one of the songs on the game. I think its time to put it away for awhile...


Sarah said...

This game is quite a sensation. I've had students ask if it will count toward practice record time "because I'm still practicing music". :)

jamie t. said...

Is that for play station or the Wii? We actaully just won a Wii at Aaron's work party and Aaron wanted to get the guitar heros. I wasn't sure which one it was for? That is funny Ella recognized the music.

Stopher and Nicolle said...

i won't buy it! The Wii is way worse! Don't get a Wii!!