Monday, July 27, 2009

A New Haircut.. and the many faces of Molly

Pretty girl

Say cheese!
Sad face
Happy face!
Mad face
Silly face!
A before pic- this is how she looked after I sent her up to get her pajamas on. She said- "I did it!" Almost, sweetheart.
Last week I took the plunge and cut off Molly's golden locks. When the lady got out the scissors and chopped off the first chunk of hair my heart tightenend and I thought- "Oh my gosh! What was I thinking?!" It didn't help that Ella started to cry and said- "No! Why is she cutting Molly's hair?" But after gettting used to it for a couple of hours, I really like it, and so does she. Everytime some says they like her haircut, she says, "Thanks, I like your hairtut, too!" People have also been telling her that she looks so grown-up. She did a really big girl thing yesterday and I asked- "When did you grow up?" She answered- "When mama dot my hairtut." Too cute!


Terra said...

Is it just me or does molly look just like you? What a cutie. I love, love your new house. It's awesome!

Sheila said...

Way cute, I agree she does look like a big girl with the short hair.

Anne Woods said...

my girls are cracking up! The haircut looks so sweet on ms. molly. we miss her!

Jules said...

i cannot beleive how old Molly is looking these days. What cute girls