Saturday, October 11, 2008

Second Time Around

I just finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird. It was our bookclub book this month. I haven't read it since junior high, when it was a required read. It was so good, I want to pick it right back up and start reading it all over again. I don't remember thinking much about it either way when I read it in junior high. Its making me want to go back and read all the things that I read back then in order to fully appreciate them. Who knows what else I could be missing? I wish I hadn't have waited so long to read this again. Okay, I know I am branding myself as a total bookworm right now. But for all of you that haven't read this book since you had to do a character development paper on it, I strongly urge you to go back and read it again. I think you will find it a much different experience this time around. At least I did.


Unknown said...

Hey! Can I borrow it to read before book club?

Anne Woods said...

i loved it too!!