Monday, July 14, 2008

Sweet friends

I've been blessed with a new visiting teaching companion, Sister Todd. She has been so wonderful to me and my family. She took Ella out to ice cream for her birthday, which she is still talking about. She also watched the girls on Saturday for me and I think Ella has found a new best friend! When I dropped her off, Ella was literally pushing me out of Sister Todd's house and into my car so she could get busy having fun. When I came to pick them up Ella told me all about how they planted in the garden, and made pictures, and played with stuffed animals, and then when I told her it was time to go she said- "But Mommy! I haven't had fun yet!" Sister Todd took lots of pictures for me, and I thought they definitely deserved a post!


Dan & Tauna said...

Papa is jealous...


She really is an amazing woman. Everyone that gets to know her is touched by her.

Beth said...

Julia is seriously one of my most favorite people ever! I get to visit teach her and I secretly (or sometimes not so secretly) want her to be my grandma.