Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Molly's New Dance

Molly has been doing this dance lately, and it is so funny. She's always making us laugh. I think she knows how cute she is when she does it because she does it all the time now and just grins at us. She likes to catch herself doing it in the mirror, too. Crazy girl! Molly's little buddy Cole decided to rock out with Molly also. We love Cole because Molly can't get enough of him... and he actually puts up with it!!


jamie t. said...

I can't believe how big Molly and Cole are! That little dance is just too cute!

Unknown said...

Hahaha, that's cute. The first time I watched it I didn't realize that those hoarse, honking noises were coming from Molly!

Luke said...

I loved looking through your blog today--it made me laugh. I miss your cute girls. Molly is a completely different little person--she made me laugh!! I miss you guys so much!! It was fun so see all the familiar things we used to do. I'm not homesick at all.
Sister Todd really is the best. I visit and taught her and she is so fun with kids. My boys loved going there and played with all the same things. She is such a sweet lady. Hope all is going well-what a cute family you have.

Stopher and Nicolle said...

is that your voice on the video? dang, you sound so different. i miss your laugh! it still sounds the same, it was the only part i recognized. your little girls are so dang cute! come to disneyLAND!!