Monday, August 27, 2007

Camping in the Poconos

Well, we have finally had a little more excitement in our lives, so its time for a new post!! We just got back from vacation, and we had a great time. We went to Pennsylvania to visit Todd's parents (post to follow shortly), and we also got to go camping with my mom and Isaac for a couple of days in the Poconos. My mom messed up her foot and had to go to the hospital, we broke one (almost two) propane lanterns, and we got rained on... but we had a great time! Ella was in heaven. She got to sleep in a Strawberry Shortcake sleeping bag in a tent with her Grandmom and "Uncle Ikes", played in the water and the dirt, didn't have to take a bath, and got pee in the dirt 'like Shrek'. What more could a little girl ask for? Not to mention her thoroughly complete diet of s'mores, skittles, and chips. Don't judge me too harshly, I am pretty sure she had a granola bar at some point. :) She bawled when it was time to go home, but I think Molly was ready to be rid of the place! All in all we had a great time, and hope to make it a yearly trek.


Waddington's said...

I did give Ella a few bites of chicken one night!
