Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Underpants Caper

Oh, the joys of motherhood!! The last couple weeks Ella has completely regressed in her potty training. The child who was at one time 100% potty trained, day AND night, is now daily pooping and watering (another Ella-ism - "Mom! I gotta do my waters!") her pants. ARGH! So I decided to resurrect the potty prize. I told her that if she had 5 days of clean panties, she could get this Princess Memory game she wanted. So this afternoon she was doing pretty good. She kept telling me she was clean, and we kept up the encouragment and hoorays everytime she went in the potty. As I went to go clean up the bathroom this evening, I looked in the trashcan, and lo and behold, a pair of wet purple tinkerbell panties. Now she's not only STILL having 'accidents' (I'm not totally convinced that's what they are) but she is covering her tracks....


Terra said...

Don't say they regress! Paul is finally getting the hang of it. He was doing poorly with the pooping--now when he poops his pants he gets treated like a baby. He goes to the pack-n-play in our room, wears a diaper and gets no big boy privileges. (I think it was the thought of having to eat baby food that finally got him--I had to buy some just for him). So good luck!

jamie t. said...

Oh good luck! You are such a trooper. I still can't get anna to stay dry through the night but I don't know what to do. Keep us posted on the strong willed Ella