Monday, July 23, 2007


For those of you who know our three year old well, you know that she uses her own words for quite a few things. As cute as we think it is, it usually takes a bit of translation to get her point across. So here it is, installment number one of what I like to call Ella-isms.

music = nooskit
bracelet = swayswip
cereal = chadoo's
excuse me = noosk me
chips = pizza (I don't understand that one)
All colors are called by their corresponding princess, or in some cases, Disney character. They are as follows:
yellow = Belle
blue = Cinderella
pink = Aurora
purple = Jasmine
white = Snow White
red = Lightning McQueen
green = Shrek
brown or black = Tarzan
orange = Lion King
And just for clarification, she does know her colors (I promise!) I think she thinks she needs to clear it up for Mom!